
I’ve mentioned on more than one occasion that Steve’s a little geeky (in particular here and here), but I haven’t fully expressed my own nerdy side.  I like a lot of comic books and pretty much anything sci-fi.  I’m a huge fan of Joss Whedon and lately Steve and I have been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (re-watching for me, first time for him).  But it’s Joss Whedon’s other amazing tv series that I’m going to nerd-out on in this post.  I love Firefly.  Ok, I might even be slightly obsessed.  I was pretty upset when the show was cancelled.  And then I was elated when they made the movie and there was a chance that the sales from that would help get the show back on the air.  And then I was depressed again when it didn’t.  Now I just console myself by re-watching the series every year, including the movie, and then finishing off by reading the comics that were created after.

Last May, Ottawa hosted its first ever Comic Con and of course Steve and I had to go, especially after we discovered that one of the guests was going to be Adam Baldwin (Firefly’s Jayne Cobb)!  In the show, his character Jayne receives a hand-knit hat from his mom and being a rough and tough red-neck-type man, it’s a hilarious hat on him:

Jayne in his hat

I decided I wanted to make a Jayne hat and get Adam Baldwin to sign it.  We didn’t know that they charge a ridiculous amount of money for a signature, but I guess that’s what motivates the actors to go to these things.  I was going to get a picture with him but since that cost more money, here’s a photo instead of a very pregnant me in my hat with Steve at Comic Con in May:

Me sporting the Jayne hat with Steve at Comic Con

I didn’t know what to say to Adam while he was signing my hat so I asked him if he had any advice for first time parents (I knew he had kids).  He grabbed my arm (swoon!) and looked me intently in the eyes and said to “sleep when the baby sleeps” and then he looked equally intently at Steve and told him “and you, do whatever she says.”  Yes sir!

Adam Baldwin's signature

It says “To Krista with love, Adam Baldwin”

We ran into our photographer friend Mike at Comic Con (he’s a fellow sci-fi enthusiast) and I giddily showed him my signed hat.  When Mike came and did our first photo session with Wesley, he made sure to get a cute photo of Wesley wearing the hat:

Wesley in the Jane hat

Look at that cute little naked butt!  We probably could have fit Wesley’s whole body in the hat!

And there you have it, a house full of nerds.  Watch, little Wesley Crusher’s going to hate all things sci-fi just to throw us through a loop 🙂

On the Way

I wish they’d had this when we were on our road trip across North America!

On the Way app

This website allows you to do a google-type search from one destination to another, but the awesome part is that it finds attractions along the way for you to stop at.  So cool!

Wesley on our bed

Photo by Photos For Life

Before we even got pregnant we knew that we would hire Mike to take photos of our little one.  Wesley is a well-photographed baby already but we really wanted to make sure we got photos with all three of us together as well.  Yesterday we had our second session with Mike in a series he calls “A Year in the Life”.  It was such a gorgeous day – 18 celcius! (we’ve already had a sprinkle of snow so that’s pretty gosh-darn amazing!) and there was still some gorgeous foliage left on a few trees in the Arboretum.  Wesley was a little champ considering he’s fighting off the same bug I’ve been fighting for the past couple days, and he missed his nap.

Mike just posted some of the shots this week from our first session, when Wesley was just three weeks old!  You can check them out on his blog.  I cannot wait to see the shots from yesterday!

Thanksgiving turkey

Don't worry.  Be happy.  Today is your day!

10 random things I love about Steve

  1. His ambition.  He is always striving to better himself and learn new things.
  2. The way he looks in jeans and a button up shirt.
  3. He’s a good listener.  When someone is talking to him, he always gives them his full attention.
  4. I don’t think you’ll ever hear someone say a bad word about him.
  5. His love of silliness.
  6. When he’s wrong, he’s not afraid to admit it.
  7. That he gets super chatty when he’s had a drink or two.
  8. How he explains things.  He can make even the most abstruse topic understandable.
  9. That he’s now a cat person.  He wouldn’t have guessed that before meeting me 🙂
  10. What an amazing father he is already.  My heart fills up with love watching him with Wesley.

Week one - nap with daddy.

Week two - daddy kisses.


Steve, I love you oodles and bunches!

New blog

I’ve tossed around this blog idea for a long time, but my heart couldn’t commit to it.

But now I’m ready.


Marcel the Shell

This little guy makes me laugh so much!

Marcel: Guess why I smile a lot.

Guy: Why?

Marcel: ‘Cuz it’s worth it.


🙂  love it.


I wanted to buy myself a bathing suit for after Wesley was born that I would feel comfortable in.  I wasn’t too sure what my post-baby body would be like, but I knew for sure that I wouldn’t be comfortable right away in a two-piece.  I found the perfect post-baby bathing suit on Modcloth.  I don’t just feel comfortable, I feel *great* in it.

Bathing Beauty in red


Bathing Beauty in red

Judging by the many rave reviews, it suits (tee hee) any body shape and size, but it especially shines if you are trying to hide a little extra around the middle.

Sporting my new swimsuit

I got to try mine out this past week when we went to Steve’s family cottage.  Wesley got to try out a fun outfit as well 🙂

Both Hypnobirthing and Hypnobabies are programs designed to help women overcome the fear and anxiety they might have about giving birth, and to provide women and their birth partners with tools to use during labour for pain/fear management.   They’re also just all-around good prenatal preparation as they teach you the stages of labour, nutrition during pregnancy, prenatal decisions you might have to make, etc.  I highly recommend either one, especially if you are planning on having a natural birth.  They both teach you relaxation techniques using breathing and visualization.  Not only do these exercises help prepare you for labour, but they’re also useful during pregnancy.  They can help you manage stress and even sleeplessness.  I’ve dealt with insomnia for what seems like most of my life and I found that listening to the relaxation tracks from both programs helped me to get to sleep – no easy task when you are big and uncomfortable and experiencing heartburn before bed!  I also used the breathing techniques any time I felt stressed out or anxious.  These are skills that I’ll use for the rest of my life.

How the programs work:

On a daily basis you are exposed to hypnotic suggestions when you listen to the audio tracks provided.  You practice breathing techniques as you listen, as well as positive visualizations for the birth.  Throughout the track you listen to hypnotic suggestions about your pregnancy going well, about the birth going well, and in general it reinforces that birth is a natural, normal process.  In addition, you and your birth partner practice together, with your birth partner reading a script or scripts along the same lines as the audio track.  This is so that you also train yourself to relax in response to your birth partner’s voice and touch.

*Hypnobirthing/Hypnobabies are not like the form of hypnosis you see in performances where the participants seemingly perform embarrassing acts against their will.  The Hypnobirthing/Hypnobabies programs involve self-hypnosis, where you freely and openly choose to embrace what you are hearing.  You need an open, willing mind in order to succeed.

Our experience with Hypnobirthing:

We started out by choosing Hypnobirthing because we heard about it through our midwife.  With midwifery care, they not only discuss how you are feeling bodily, but they also check in with your emotional wellbeing.  It came up during an appointment that I had experienced panic attacks in the past and that I worried about anxiety during the birth and not having any coping mechanisms.  So our midwife suggested Hypnobirthing, and in particular the Hypnobirthing instructor/doula that we ended up using (Pia Anderson for anyone in Ottawa).  When we researched Hypnobirthing on the internet (as we do), we came across Hypnobabies.  However, there were no Hypnobabies instructors in Ottawa.  So we didn’t bother looking further into Hypnobabies at that time.

Our time with Pia was great and we really got a lot out of the Hypnobirthing classes.  They were awesome as an all-around prenatal class.  We really appreciated watching real hypnobirths at the beginning of each lesson and we also liked that if we had any questions at all, whether about Hypnobirthing or labour, we could turn to Pia and she was a wealth of information.  However, we found that when it came to practicing Hypnobirthing ourselves on a daily basis, we found the Hypnobirthing program lacking.  It seemed very disorganized, with no clear layout of steps.  The book described many techniques but never explained how to implement them into a routine or daily practice.  Indeed, aside from the Rainbow Relaxation exercise, it didn’t provide any scripts with which to practice the techniques!  This meant that there was nothing for Steve to read out loud to me; instead there was only a general description of the technique.  We found this very difficult and as a result we only ever practiced the same script, the Rainbow Relaxation script. As well, there were only two relaxation listening tracks for me to practice on my own, one of them the Rainbow Relaxation script again.  Because I was so used to hearing the same thing, I found more and more that I started to tune out what I was hearing.  Apparently this is still fine and the idea is that subconsciously you are still picking up the suggestions, but I found that I didn’t trust it and wanted to feel more proactive.

I also found that Hypnobirthing didn’t have any techniques for maintaining your hypnosis/relaxation while moving or with your eyes open. These two situations are touched on only briefly and are not a part of your daily practice. All the daily practice involves lying down, being limp with eyes closed, but we kept hearing how important it is to be able to move around during labour, should you feel the need to move around.  I had no idea how I would maintain my relaxation in those instances.  So we decided to look into Hypnobabies and supplement with that as well.

Our experience with Hypnobabies:

We ordered the self-study course since there are no Hypnobabies practitioners in Ottawa, and since we were already doing classes with Pia.  So I can only speak to the self-study course.  We found the Hypnobabies course much more extensive and organized.  It is a 5-week program, with a detailed breakdown each week of what to practice daily/weekly and why.  Each week had its own set of audio tracks, which built upon the techniques learned from the previous week.  This meant that each week I felt like I was reinforcing the techniques, as well as building upon them.  I was able to practice a lot on my own and felt I didn’t have to rely completely on Steve to read me scripts in order to relax.  This proved useful during the actual birth since in the first stage of my labour he had a lot of running around to do in order to get everything ready for the birth.

There were also several scripts for Steve to practice with me, as well as an entire Birth Partner’s guide.  The Hypnobabies program breaks up labour into stages and provides different techniques, audio tracks, and scripts for each stage.  Steve felt like he had clear guidelines for what to do during the birth, which made both of us feel more confident as we got closer to the big day.

A big part of the Hypnobabies program is being able to maintain relaxation with your eyes open and while moving around.  It teaches you how to maintain two levels of relaxation 1) where your body is limp and your eyes are closed 2) where you can move around with your eyes open.  I felt this was important to practice and learn; certainly during my own experience I was able to maintain relaxation even after opening my eyes (to drink water in between surges mostly) and to move around (to change positions; I didn’t find I needed to walk around or do any significant moving around).

Bottom line:  I recommend Hypnobabies over Hypnobirthing.  I don’t regret that we did the Hypnobirthing because our classes with Pia, and her help during the birth, were worth it.  But I am glad that we chose to practice the Hypnobabies as well.  During the birth it was the Hypnobabies scripts that we used, as well as the eyes-open/moving around techniques.  Overall both programs have a very similar approach, so Pia’s cues during the birth were still very applicable and helped immensely.  I would still choose Hypnobirthing over other fear/pain management programs.

I hope this helps anyone trying to decide between the two programs!  Does anyone else have experience with either one that they can share?